The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) visited Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria on March 7, 2014.
The august visitors were led by the President of the Institution, Mr. Kabir Alkali Muhammed, mni, FCA.
The Vice – Chancellor, Prof. S.A Abdulkareem, welcomed the visitors and sincerely appreciated their presence. He expressed his belief that the University needed the Institution’s co-operation in terms of getting more qualified hands, especially those with PhD Accounting.
Both the Dean of the College of Management Sciences, Dr. Remi Medupin, and Co-ordinator, Department of Accounting, Mr. R.A Iyanda, advocated for quick accreditation of Accounting Programme, as interim accreditation was given two years ago. They also sought the Institution’s assistance in respect of current and relevant textbooks in Accounting to assist both the staff and the students of Al-Hikmah University.
The President of the Institution, Mr. Kabir Alkali Muhammed, reiterated that seasoned lecturers and Chartered Accountants had been produced by the Institution and promised to look into the request of the University Authority. He further stressed that a University in Malaysia had approached the Institution and arrangement had been reached on how interested person(s) could liaise with them directly for further studies.
The President also said that the Institution had a scheme for students with First Class degrees inform of Scholarship. He therefore advised the students to take their studies seriously. Before his departure, he presented some Journals to the Department and a Tablet (Galaxy) to the Vice-Chancellor.