Department of Science Education

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Department of Science Education Webpage. The Department of Science Education was established as the 4th College of the University in 2008/2009 academic session and started as the Department of Education. At that time, the Department of Education offered degree programmes in Arts, Islamic Studies and Arabic Education. By the beginning of 2011/2012 academic session, the Department of Education had expanded in students’ population and in its degree offerings to justify a division of the existing degree programmes into three distinct departments, specifically, in 2012; the Department of Education splits into Departments of Science Education, Educational & Counseling Education and Arts & Social Science Education.
There are two major bodies in the formation and running of the Department of Science Education; the Academic Staff and the Department Promotion Panel. Through regular departmental meetings, the academic staff participates in:
- Proposing course to be taught
- Reviewing the academic programmes of the department from time to time
- Course allocation to individual lecturer
- Sharing departmental responsibilities to individual lecturer
- Carrying out academic activities and research through regular meetings.
In an attempt to facilitate the academic activities of the Department, Level Advisers are appointed. The roles of the Level Advisers are as follows:
- Advising students on all academic matters such as registration of courses, minimum and maximum credits allowable per semester etc.
- Endorsing Student’s registration forms when properly completed
- Keeping records of students’ files which are expected to contain copies of registration forms and other required documents (photocopies of certificates, UTME/DE notification of results, admission letters, change of degree programme forms and any other relevant documents).
- Preparing a list of registered students at the end of each registration exercise.
- Submitting a copy of the list of registered students to the Head of Department, two weeks after the end of each registration.
- Preparing graduating student’s results, where applicable and preparing “Good Standing” list in the cases of 100, 200 and 300 level students.
- Submitting “Good Standing” list to the Head of Department at the end of Departmental Board of Examiner’s meeting.
- Interacting with the Head of Department to clarify doubt or solve problems if in difficulty.
- Interacting with the Head of Department sufficiently before request for change of degree programme is entertained. (Note: Level Advisers are not to endorse any change of course or degree programmes form).
- Biology Education
- Chemistry Education
- Mathematics Education
- Physics Education
- Educational Technology
- Library and Information Science