Faculty of Law

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Faculty of Law Webpage.In line with the National Universities Commission’s (NUC) approved Developmental Phases of Al-Hikmah University and in pursuance of the University’s mandate to provide quality and functional tertiary education to the teaming Nigerian populace, the Senate of the University in her 39th Meeting held on Monday, 2nd 2012 approved the establishment of the College of Law )now Faculty of Law). The Senate also mandated the Management to commence infrastructural developments of the proposed Faculty. After the senate was satisfied with the construction and furnishing of the Faculty building, it further mandated the Management in her 57th meeting held on Wednesday, May 2014 to start the process for approval by NUC and the Council of Legal Education (CLE). Consequently, the NUC granted the Faculty approval to commence academic activities. Further, in July, 2015 the Council of Legal Educaition granted the Faculty requisite approval. Thus, the Faculty started its programmes in October 2015
Programme Structure of the Faculty
We currently have Three (3) Departments in Faculty of Law :