Call for Papers - AJPAS Volume 9 Issue 1
AJPAS is published by the Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria. AJPAS is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal and publishes original scientific and science-related research, developments and emerging issues. The journal publishes two issues in a year (i.e. June and December). All manuscripts accepted on or before 15th April will be published in the first issue of that year. All manuscripts accepted on or before 15th October will be published in the second issue of that year. However, AJPAS accepts manuscripts throughout the year.
Journal Policy
AJPAS will only publish research articles that have not been published or submitted to any other journal. Additionally, AJPAS will not publish any article that has already been reported fully or in parts or accepted for publication either in a journal or conference proceeding in any form, in print or electronic media. It is the sole responsibility of the author(s) at the point of submission to ensure that articles are new, original and have not been published in any form, fully or partly in any media. Such article to be submitted must not violate any or infringe upon copyrights of others and must not contain plagiarized or wrongfully attributed materials. Author(s) will be solely responsible for violation of this policy or ethics of academic publications.
Scope of the Journal
Al-Hikmah Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (AJPAS) is dedicated to and covers all areas of fundamental and applied sciences including the followings:
Physical Sciences – Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry and Physics
Geological Sciences – Geology and Mineral Science
Biological Sciences – Biochemistry, Microbiology, Zoology, Plant Biology and Botany
Mathematical Sciences – Mathematics, History of Mathematics, Mathematics Education and Popularization of Mathematics and Statistics
Computer Science – Computer Science, Cyber Security, Information System and Software Engineering
Environmental Science and relevant areas of Agricultural Science
Submission of manuscript
Manuscript(s) prepared in the required format must be submitted electronically to [email protected] as an attachment saved with the first author’s surname. Receipt of manuscript will be acknowledged by e-mail within 72 hours of submission.
Review Process
Submitted manuscripts will be evaluated by at least two reviewers to ascertain their accuracy, originality, quality and relevance. A manuscript may be accepted, returned for revision or rejected. The corresponding author of each paper will be notified of the result within eight (8) weeks from the date of first submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue of the journal.
Copyright transfer agreement
It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to the journal have not been published, accepted for publication, nor simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the author(s) agree that copyright for the article is transferred to the publisher, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication.
Publication Fee: The publication fee shall be paid after acceptance.
Publication fee: Upon acceptance of an article for publication after peer review, contributors shall pay a publication fee of twenty thousand naira (N20, 000) only per article to cover the cost of publication and other logistics. This is also subject to review from time to time as may be deem necessary by the editorial board.
Note: All payments must be made through the designated bank accounts of the journal for purposes of accountability and documentation. This will be made available to authors after acceptance of their articles.